Ontopic What do you want to spend your $1200 on?

Mr. Argumentor

I fab shitboxes and shitbox accessories.
Sep 27, 2012
Not what you're going to, which is going to be boring shit like bills and food, but what you want to spend it on.

Maybe a SHO

A Miata

Or an IRS for the Mustang
We should actually get 4400. I want a tent trailer with it.

I’d also considered letting each kid pick out a subscription box.

eat out a bunch.

toilet paper.

it will get spent on debt though, probably go to my car to pay it almost off.
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if anyone is interested in doing the same, there are GDC/IWW chapters all over that are engaged in organizing mutual aid right now.

I'm not judging or begrudging anyone who doesn't want to do something like this (& I've seen several people here who already plan to do something similar), but I struggle with feelings of helplessness in times like this, and it's at least something I can *do* to help.