GAY Who are the Flatboi Downs - Part III

Here's why I find Vaping to be such garbage:

I'm walking around, and suddenly I smell donuts or coffee or baked goods or something, and I'm like, "yeah, maybe there's some free goodies here I can snack on", but then I get around the corner, and it's just Brad and his vape full of lies.
We have a local guy that makes an excellent carnival donut flavor .
Zeru calories .
Mmmm mm.
We have a local guy that makes an excellent carnival donut flavor .
Zeru calories .
Mmmm mm.
Probably a chance discovery - didn't have his glasses on, thought "huh, I dropped a little nugget of ganga". Nope, big ass donut crumb. hmm, that sounds almost good. I have some dried pumpkin leather with spices, could I have pumpkin spice vaping?