Pics PicSpam 2017 - The Blurry Album

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McDonald's managers actually go through a decent amount of formal training. :p But yes, there's a ton of shit but not everyone has the opportunity to do those jobs either. Sometimes people live in an area that doesn't have many opportunities and it costs more money than they can save to leave the area and move somewhere else.

The point there is that the IT industry was a very ripe opportunity for a lot of us that were interested in that stuff as a hobby.
  • Gravy
Reactions: my little brony
you're still stuck in a brothel, chained up in a room almost 80km from the current party. Freon never completed his proof of worth task to rescue you, and instead stole from a merchant, left you in the room, and ran away.
WHAT @fly is this true?!

I haven't been keeping up as work has been tough this week. Just check in on here for a few minutes here and there while I wait for things to download or to ignore a client's conference call. :lol:
To each their own, but rather than working my ass off 24 hours a day, to "barely make minimum wage some days", id appreciate an employer that paid a fare wage, gave me good benefits, and time off, and generally treated me well so that when i was off work, i could forget about it, and enjoy life.
There are always outliers that we can pick out, but I'd imagine that by and large - if you put in 60-80 weeks in any field, you'll advance. That's the very foundation of this country that nothing is given, you've got to take it. To undermine that by saying, "I see that you're lazy, but it's okay," is about as un-American as you can get.

A LOT of people put in 60 hours a week just to keep their heads above water. A lot of people have no opportunities to advance in their field. And working 80 hours a week is simply not tenable long term for most people. It's exhausting and we are creatures that absolutely need leisure time in order to properly function.

I'm not saying laziness is ok. But just because someone doesn't want to work 60-80 hours a week doesn't mean they're not lazy. Just because someone isn't starting their own business or taking night school classes doesn't mean they're not lazy. When presented with opportunities a lot of people will take them but many people simply have no opportunities to take or the risk is far too great.

Also the foundation of this country was largely in the exploitation of other people's unpaid labor and land. It's not like America was built solely on the backs of hard working pioneers.
To each their own, but rather than working my ass off 24 hours a day, to "barely make minimum wage some days", id appreciate an employer that paid a fare wage, gave me good benefits, and time off, and generally treated me well so that when i was off work, i could forget about it, and enjoy life.
English taught by a man when it's his second or third...etc. language.

Right? I assume everyone outside of the US speaks multiple languages by default. :lol:
Actually it's not a second or third language, with certain people i speak only in english, it's weird:)
  • Gravy
Reactions: Ledboots
Personally, fuck no. How many rich kids *really* appreciate the new G6 that dad got them?

we wanna talk about lazy :fly: that's where the true laziness in society happens. legacy kids that buy their way into college degrees in order to work for their father's friend's dealership. people handed everything in life and still manage to be successful

when you're born upper class you have to fail pretty hard to lose it

when you're born middle class you only have to be mediocre to succeed in life

when you're born poor you have to be exceptional to crawl your way out of it
To each their own, but rather than working my ass off 24 hours a day, to "barely make minimum wage some days", id appreciate an employer that paid a fare wage, gave me good benefits, and time off, and generally treated me well so that when i was off work, i could forget about it, and enjoy life.
But ya, if I take a day off work I make a big fat zero dollars for the day.

I wouldn't ever trade it to go back to an office environment though; this is a much better lifestyle, imo.
  • Gravy
Reactions: my little brony
And btw, as of the last couple months, I'm almost not in IT anymore. The majority of my income has come from Amazon, which really can be done by just about anyone without any formal education.

didn't that require some amount of up front investment? at the very least in order to support yourself while you learned the ropes and figured out how to make it profitable?

I used IT as an example since a lot of us started there and used it as the foundation for expanding into other fields. And because it was so very ripe.
we wanna talk about lazy :fly: that's where the true laziness in society happens. legacy kids that buy their way into college degrees in order to work for their father's friend's dealership. people handed everything in life and still manage to be successful

when you're born upper class you have to fail pretty hard to lose it

when you're born middle class you only have to be mediocre to succeed in life

when you're born poor you have to be exceptional to crawl your way out of it

Yep, i would strongly contend that noone on this forum was ever truly poor. We all were afforded opportunities, either by our families or by our situations that gave us comparatively easy outs.
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