Hawt Maureen's Super Awesome BITMOJI Thread!

where is the adult version,.. please! :(

Rating: 12+ :confused:
Gotta click your avatar and it shows some stats including gravies.

on the web version I get a little notification thing that says I have 4 notifications, but nowhere here. I can check overall stats but no individual gravy notification

but it looks like I will get notified of replies to Tapatalk posts I make since I have that turned on for each post?

on the web version I get a little notification thing that says I have 4 notifications, but nowhere here. I can check overall stats but no individual gravy notification

but it looks like I will get notified of replies to Tapatalk posts I make since I have that turned on for each post?
I use both.
Search on mobile browser sucks, so I go to Tapacock for search.
Figure out the strong suit of each format and use each format for its strengths and abandon each for its weaknesses.
Pimpin ain't easy.